Why CaptchaAd is the better form of advertising?

Of course we think we’ve got a better form of advertising. We’ve analyzed the market and know where the Problems with »Previous Advertising« are. We know our potential, both »quantitatively« and »qualitatively«–and the »Fresenius study« of the University of Cologne demonstrated an enormous advertising impact. In the tables below you can find out more.

But let’s some things out of the way first:

Why »Banner Blindness« can’t touch CaptchaAds!

A CaptchaAd proves that the user is a human and not an automated program. This requires each user to find an answer to the question asked in the video, and to continue with the process.

This ensures that every user not only sees the promotional video, but is actually aware–and then types–the advertising message. The mechanism of CaptchaAd makes it impossible for a CaptchaAd user to overlook the promotional video. It’s just not possible.

That’s why CaptchaAds are one of the most effective forms of advertising!

Learning theory shows that content which actively engages you will be memorized far better than passively recorded knowledge.

CaptchaAd delivers a video to the user to and asks that user to work with the content. At that point the brand name or other advertising message has had its effect.

In doing so CaptchaAd has achieved far higher recollection of the advertising message, and, with it, far higher advertising efficiency.

Here’s why should use CaptchaAd to complement your advertising portfolio!

CaptchaAd provides you with what you order. With us, one CPM means that 1,000 people have definitely seen the video. Through their interactions, you can also be sure that the important message has arrived–from you to the user.

CaptchaAd significantly improves your chances of being anchored in the memory of the customer and is therefore an ideal addition to your advertising campaign.

*CPM = Cost Per Mille (Thousand views)

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