Fresenius study

»The use of CaptchaAd leads a 72% rate of brand recognition.«
These are the findings of a recent study by the Fresenius University of Cologne college of Applied Sciences, in collaboration with MITSUBISHI MOTORS Germany. The idea was to examine the advertising effectiveness of CaptchaAd. The Bonn CaptchaAd GmbH is the world's first company to combine CAPTCHAs with high-quality, interactive video ads. Through the use of CaptchaAds it is possible to raise the brand (or product) awareness of an online advertising campaign and generate measurable advertising returns. CaptchaAd provides the advertising industry with an advertising format that is unique in shape, implementation and impact on the market.

Study Design

The study examined the new online advertising format CaptchaAd and its advertising effectiveness in relation to traditional and modern forms of advertising. A distinction is made between brand and product awareness. More than 250 volunteers were shown at random one commercial (from cooperation partner MITSUBISHI MOTORS). The promotional film was either a conventional reCAPTCHA above, included in a medium rectangle or a CaptchaAd in a personality test (see Figures 1-3).

Figure 1: A commercial CaptchaAd
Figure 2: Medium Rectangle advertising above a reCAPTCHA
Figure 3: Medium Rectangle advertising that automatically disappeared after 11 seconds

The results of the study

The study demonstrated that 72% of subjects who solved a CaptchaAd could then correctly identify the brand shown previously in a commercial. This represents an increase in advertising effectiveness of more than 300 percent; in the “medium rectangle” examples only 17 percent of subjects achieved recollection. Against the classic reCAPTCHAs, a 10-fold increase in brand identification was achieved (against recollection of 7%) (see Figure 4).

What was on those banners again?

Figure 4: Brand awareness

This result supports the theory of CaptchaAd GmbH–that by incorporating the user into the process, a much deeper recognition of advertising content results. Through the process of the question-answer principle, the user cognitively and actively deals with the product or the advertising message.

"We are delighted that the Fresenius University has chosen to include CaptchaAds in their study in their study of the new and effective forms of advertising," said Jan Philipp Hinrichs, CEO of CaptchaAd Inc. "We can now prove empirically that through the combination of advertising messages, moving images and prompts, the user responds directly and contributes to far deeper processing. Our product represents a revolution in the performance and measurability of online marketing. "

The result? In product perception CaptchaAd delivers. In addition to the brand, 52% of the subjects were also to identify the product being advertised. Thus CaptchaAd has a significantly higher impact on advertising in terms of brand and product awareness, far superior to that of other forms of online advertising

What product was that again?

Figure 5: Product perception

Feedback from the study

"The idea and implementation of CaptchaAd GmbH’s advertising format are unique. Through CaptchaAd, advertisers create 100% advertising contact. The result is a measurable effect in advertising and campaign success, which the numbers reflect,” said Henrik Luijendijk, manager of the new media division of MITSUBISHI MOTORS Germany. The accompanying lecturer at the Hochschule Fresenius and jury members from advertiser Hachmann Alexander emphasize "a form of advertising that convinces. I think that more and more companies will take advantage of the potential," Alexander said.

Advertising effectiveness study

The study was conducted at the Hochschule Fresenius, Cologne, conducted by the Department of Business and Media lecturer Alexander Hachmann, with support from Alexis Maggoutas, Anna Nowak, Florian Schoen, Ina Schüttler and Pina Steinhauer.

Our conclusion

CaptchaAd therefore has a much higher advertising effect in both brand and product perception. We are very pleased with the extremely positive results of the advertising impact study, and would like one more time to thank the Fresenius University of Cologne, the lecturer Alexander Hachmann and his project team, as well as MITSUBISHI MOTORS Germany and Henrik Luijendijk for integrating CaptchaAd in the advertising impact study.

We sincerely look forward joining forces with advertisers, companies and website operators to deliver the benefits of CaptchaAd. Feel free to contact us at: info(at), and we will explain in person the benefits and opportunities on offer.


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