PHP Integration

If you would like to integrate CaptchaAd in a PHP environment, two articles of documentation are available.

That said, the security version and advertising version differ in one crucial area: security.

The promotional version has nothing to do with security, but only works as a CaptchaAd without any security guarantees. One can see clearly here that the commercial version is a video player that poses a question with regard to the video. The backend of the security variant, on the other hand, ensures that this process can not be bypassed by bots–whereas with the advertising variation that is indeed possible.

Security version

Guidelines for the integration of PHP »
Last modified: 02.12.2011, PDF format, 588KByte

Advertising version

Guidelines for the integration of PHP »
Last modified: 09.11.2011, PDF format, 635KByte

Comparison of Options

Security vs. Advertising Variant »
Updated: 09 November 2011, PDF-Format, 532KByte


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